“The colour and light of a venetian painter in land of Tuscany.”
This intense byword syntesizes the significance of the Artist’s residence of a painter Gianfranco Mello in the heart of the capital of the Renaissance.
The Fondazione Mello-Studio d’Arte Le Colonne narrates in its spaces the alternance of art history through the centuries.

2008 double flowering Monteripaldi cherry
Personal exhibitions and awards received
The exhibitions and awards obtained by Gianfranco Mello over time confirm the path of an artist whose works are permeated by Venetian and Tuscan culture.

The monographs on the maestro Gianfranco Mello

Gianfranco Mello-The days of painting 1950-1985

Gianfranco Mello- The days of painting Second volume 1986-2018

Painting en plein air
2007 Study by Monteripaldi – Bitter oranges
Mello with the painting of the orange trees which every year bear fruit in abundance as they receive heat both directly from the sun and indirectly from the walls of the villa on which they are placed. And in fact the fruits couldn’t be better and every year there is a competition to see who can make the best jam.
Video – The places of painting
After having worked at a very young age in the Studio in Via dei Conti, Mello moved to the Studio in Piazza dei Ciompi and the one in Impruneta. From here, in his free moments from teaching at the Don Gnocchi Institute in Pozzolatico, he reaches various parts of the nearby countryside and with all his equipment he paints directly “en plein air”, even large canvases. As “en plein air” he continues to paint in the studios of Borgo Pinti, Viuzzo di Monteripaldi and Via San Michele in Monteripaldi. Place of painting must consider also the new Studio opened recently and in which most of his works are gathered, even the large ones.
Is it a particular space in Florence, Borgo Pinti 22-24, once a residence and studio as can be read in the epigraphs inside, of the sculptor Jean de Boulogne known as Giambologna, Pietro Tacca, Matteo Rosselli, Giovanni Battista Foggini and other great artists.
The following video was shot in Borgo Pinti in Piazza dei Ciompi and in Via San Michele in Monteripaldi.