Borgo Pinti

The large Studio of Borgo Pinti 22-24 in which restoration work began in August 2006, is opened to the public on May 15, 2007.
Great admiration from friends and collectors both for the place but above all for the works on display. In fact, all of Mello’s works are exhibited there, including the large ones.
The place is particularly evocative.
Jean de Boulogne, known as Giambologna, once had his workshop here and after having built the Palace at no. 26 of Borgo Pinti as his home, builds later the workshop.
All of his works came from here, Giambologna being the Court sculptor, including the large bronze horse with Cosimo I and its base, which is located in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.
After Giambologna the workshop passed to Pietro Tacca; Matteo Rosselli, Lorenzo Lippi, Jacopo Ligozzi, Stefano della Bella, Francesco Janssens and Giovanni Battista Foggini also worked there.


Piazza de’ Ciompi


Via dei Conti

Giardino delle suore Oblate